Wednesday, March 14, 2012

My Pretty Pants

tee, shoes, sweater: Target, jeans: Kohl's, belt: thrifted

I have to admit...I used Everybody, Everywear Green as an excuse to buy these jeans!  They're my first try at colored jeans this year.  One girl I talked to when I wore these yesterday told me that my outfit looked like spring.  Another girl that worked at a thrift store I went to said "You and your pretty pants have a great night", and a great night we did have. :) 


  1. Cute! I just bought my first pair of colored jeans, too!

  2. They are such a lovely color! And they do look like spring!

  3. Love those jeans - i must go to kohls tomorrow and find them!
    Chic on the Cheap

  4. That pants is pretty, eh. And quite stylish too. :)

    Cathy@custom digitizing

  5. There was a group at the Very Bluejeans behind me that had been experiencing what recommended me of the overall action Augie functions in Aspect Styles. You know, the historical one where they're on categories and battle each other.That was annoying.They're my first try at shaded jeans this season.Custom Digitizing
