Friday, April 27, 2012

High Five For Friday

Linking up with Lauren today over at From My Grey Desk for High Five For Friday so I can share my favorite things from the week!

1. My new rose gold watch I bought today at Target. (What?!  They're different enough I you can't beat their prices)

2. Lippies!  Lots and lots of lippies.  There were on sale, buy one get one 50% off.  My friend gave me the heads up, and she also bought me two of them.  Plenty of new colors to try out!

3. My water bottle.  I'm trying to cut back on my soda intake and increase my water intake, so this thing did not leave my side this week.

4. My first soda since last Saturday.  I didn't miss it as much as I thought I would, but it tasted so good with lunch today.  Also good about lunch?  My boss treated us (yay for free lunch!), and when I asked the kid behind the counter for extra feta on my pasta, he said to me "I bet that smile always gets you whatever you ask for, doesn't it?"  I bet he uses that line a lot on all the ladies. :)

5. My new teal pen!  Not pictured are the teal post-it notes I found in the supply closet this morning at work.  Does anybody else get really excited about fun office supplies?!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!



  1. Your new watch is gorgeous! Hehe I also get excited for office supplies, especially my light pink post its. :) Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

    The Tiny Heart

  2. Ooooh! Your new watch is SO pretty!!

  3. First, I totally have that teal pen. And hot pink, light blue, and a dark bluish-purple one. Writing in fun colors is so much better! Try Sharpie pens too, they are amazing colors and don't bleed through the paper!

    And congrats on cutting back on pop. I started that in the middle of January. I drank at least 8 oz of coke each day. Now it's all water, with an occasional Sprite here or there. No coke in over 2 months for me, so it is totally possible if you really want to do it!

  4. Cute inspirations! I am also obsessed with office supplies and nothing makes me happier then colored pens and post-its!

    xx Sarah
