Monday, April 23, 2012

A Whole New Mind-Set

sweater/button up: Old Navy, pants/bracelets: thrifted, shoes: Target,
necklace: Walmart, watch: Kohl's
I was lucky enough to win some money in our company’s NCAA pool.  I don't think I've ever won anything before, but of course spent the money on shopping.  This time I went to Old Navy yesterday to spend some winnings, rather than my usual Sunday trip to Goodwill, and for the first time ever, I noticed a change in my shopping experience.  Old Navy had some good sales going on and I could have easily spent a fortune on a bunch of sale items.  I made my way through the store with patience and a really clear head.  I loaded up and headed to the fitting room.  I walked out having made some responsible shopping decisions.  I’m sure you’ll get a better look at it sometime soon, but the button up shirt pictured above? It was the only item I paid full price for, but I found myself calculating price per wear like over at Thrifted Shift, and decided it would be down to pennies by the time I’m done with it.  Striped sweater pictured above?  Black and white stripes are so practical, and the $6 price tag was impossible to pass up. I’m looking forward to more level-headed shopping in the future!

Linking up over at Mingle Monday today!  Join me?

Mingle 240


  1. LOVE these shoes! and I definitely relate to the not paying full price - but have learned that some items are worth it! : ) thanks for visiting my blog!

    1. Thanks Katie! I agree that some items are worth full price, especially at Old Navy prices. ;)

  2. I love this outfit and also own this striped sweater. It is my go-to piece. But You got a far better deal as usual!
    Thank you so much for my mug! I love the chalkboard detail! Your crafting skills rock! Blog post coming soon...

    1. I think this sweater will quickly become a go-to piece for me too. I know Old Navy is a popular place to shop, but too funny that we have the same shirt! :) I'm so happy you like your mug! I can't wait to read your post!

  3. I'm really enjoying your outdoor locations! And you are super cute on that bench. Way to shop with a clear mind!

  4. That is a a good way to think of stuff - the way she does it at Thrifted Shift. I'm trying to be more responsible in my shopping that way too. And this sweater is a very cute and practical purchase!

    1. I love that concept of cost per wear! I would still struggle with really big purchases, but a $24 full price shirt is what I"m comfortable with!

  5. You can't go wrong with a striped top! When I go shopping now I keep in mind what other items I could pair it with that I already have in my closet. If I can only think of one thing, then it goes back on the rack.

    The Tiny Heart

  6. I'm impressed! I can be like that sometimes, going straight to the sale rack, but I'm definitely trying to buy more intentionally. I think it's great that you calculated how much you'd wear it vs. the cost. Sometimes it's better to pay full price on something you love than getting something you're not so crazy about on sale :)


  7. oh love this look! that striped top and chambray look great together

    The Caffeinated Closet
