Tuesday, June 19, 2012

On Repeat

tee: Five Below, scarf: World Market, belt: Forever 21, pants: thrifted (for $1!!!), shoes: Kohl's

You know those days where things just don't go your way? Here's my solution - I shed a few tears while calling my mom and she let me have my pity party. Even though I wanted to crawl into bed and call it a day, I got my ass out there for the 3 mile run that my training plan said I needed to do in order to have any chance of crossing the finish line of that marathon in October. (If my training schedule would've told me to do anymore than 3 miles, I may not have had the same reaction...haha) 

Now to focus on my outfit. I have so many plain tees in my wardrobe! I repeated a look from last week by adding a scarf and a belt (just placed differently this time) again. I went with red pants to feel a little dressier, plus there's just something I like about animal print paired with red!


  1. Love your red pants! Can't believe you got them for a buck!
    Where is your marathon in October?

    1. I love when Goodwill has sales! :)

      The marathon I plan to do is in the city we live in, Columbus, Ohio. I'm nervous, but really excited at the same time!

  2. I think animal print always looks great with red! Glad to see that you're also adding color to your wardrobe :) What a great thrifted find! I'm always excited when I can thrift something for under $5. I wish I could run. I'm lucky if I can walk for 1 mile...lol! You go girl!

    1. Don't you just love a good deal?! I'm glad you like the animal print paired with red too...there's just something about it that makes them go so well together!

      It's taking me awhile to get used to training. I used to always be able to pick running right back up, but not as much this time. Probably a sign that I'm getting older! :)

  3. That belt is a great idea, your waist looks tiny! Good job sticking to your training schedule!

    1. You're too sweet! It's the one area I get self conscious about sometimes, so I love tricks like a strategically placed belt!

  4. good for you for going on a run!! and I always call my mom too. : ) I am a fan of those pants!

  5. I love how you belted the tee and it looks great with the scarf! I'm sorry you had a bad day. Hope today goes better for you!

    The Tiny Heart

    1. Thanks Sharon! We all have our moments I suppose. :)

  6. Oh I had a couple of days like that last week, totally feel you on that girl. Way to pick yourself up and go for a run even in a down mood!!

    LOVE your red pants. Love.

    1. Like the day of the delivery at work?! The run really did help my mood though!

  7. Way to go on sticking with the run - it's always better after you do it (and calling mom always helps too :) Cute look, I love the belted tee (clever way to make it more interesting!) and I really like the animal print paired with red too!

    1. Thanks Laura! I had to keep reminding myself that I'd just feel worse if I skipped it.

      I liked the belt with this look too. I think it really helped me feel more dressed up than I really was!
