Monday, September 10, 2012

Loving Layers

cardigan and sweater: Old Navy, pants: NY & Co., shoes and watch: Target

For the second week, I've made a point of picking out at least 4 of my 5 work outfits for the week on Sunday night, then moving those items to a designated spot in my closet so they're easy to go to each morning. Substitutions definitely occur, and this morning it was an addition! I've been what I'm sure has been annoyingly vocal about my dislike for extremely hot weather, so I was so excited to have weather cool enough to make throwing a cardigan over this outfit bearable today. I feel like it's so much easier to complete a look with layers - I tried really hard to use jewelry and different belts at the suggestion of some wonderful ladies to keep some personality in my outfits this summer, but I'm looking forward to being reunited with my comfort pieces of scarves, boots, and cardigans this fall! :)

Linking up...



  1. I absolutely love the color of those pants! So cute! Popping over from YOLO.

  2. I can dig the outfit.I love the rusty color of your pants! It's still too hot for me to layer up.... kind jealous of your cooler temps.

    1. Thanks Jana! I was a little unsure about these pants, but finally decided that it was good to bring in some colors outside of what I'm used to into my wardrobe. :) I'm glad I bought them!

  3. Layering is my favorite, so I'm totally ready for this weather! I love this combo on you! The sweater is so cute and I love the color of those pants!!

    1. Thank you!! I've worn the pants one other time and paired them with animal print then too...I'll have to get more creative next time! :)

  4. Planning outfits early in the week is definitely helpful! I do the same thing sometimes. Those rust colored pants and the layers are perfect for these early fall days. And I am a little obsessed with your cardigan.


    1. It's been such a time saver! I always thought about what to wear ahead of time, but never actually physically moved the pieces to a another section of my closet. :)
