Monday, October 1, 2012


tee and shoes: Target, pants: Old Navy, sweater: thrifted

As I think I've mentioned before, I've recently become a little obsessed with cropped pants! Today was the first day I noticed enough of a chill in the air that I finally headed to the mall after work to pick up one more pair of black dress pants to feel like my wardrobe is really prepared for fall/winter in a more professional environment. I now have a pair that are best with heels, and a pair that are best with flats. I'm picky about the length like that!

In news not related to my outfit choice, today was the day I "went live" at work, meaning that my student caseload has officially been transferred over to me and I get to spend my days advising now that I've completed my training! I still have a lot to learn, but I'm excited to finally be working with students!

Linking up...

Thrifters Anonymousstillbeingmolly


  1. YAY! Working with students! That's got to be the best part of my job. Love my kiddos. And dressing professionally has always been a challenge for me. It looks like you're making the transition nicely though. Yay you!

    1. Thanks Jana! I definitely miss being able to wear jeans everyday if I wanted to though!

  2. I've been going through an ankle pants phase. I just love them! I love the colors in your top.

    1. I think they're such a fun alternative to dress pants!

  3. Yay for finishing training at work! I bet it was a busy day, but super fun! And I personally love cropped pants. I usually end up rolling mine to a cropped length. This khaki pair is super cute!


    1. It's been such a busy week, but I'm so glad to be advising! Good idea to roll your pants...I love that look!

  4. Exciting to finally be working with students!! Love the khaki cropped pants! It's getting chillier here so I think I'll be wearing longer pants and skirts more and more. And tights, can't wait to pull out my tights!

    1. Thanks Beth! I'm looking forward to tights too! I think I may need to stock up on a few pairs. :)

  5. I love that when you first started this blog you said you were obsessed with sweatpants and now you have found the light and come over to the fashion world and look absolutely stunning. Sweats are good for working out in but in life i feel like a jean is much better. Also love that you got two lengths of dress pants. One for heels and one for flats. Thats the way everyone should do it. You will look amazing when working with students!!!!! I think students respect someone who gives effort to look good in front of them a lot more than someone who just looks ehh lol.

    1. Thank you! Although I have to admit that I did leave the house in sweatpants tonight to go to the grocery store...I've made progress though! I couldn't agree more that effort to present yourself professionally helps with having students' respect.
