Monday, January 21, 2013

30 for 30 Day 19: Favorites

sweater & boots: Target, jeggings: Kohl's, necklace: Charming Charlie
I didn't have to work today and it was glorious. I went for a run, ran errands, got my hair cut, and made dinner for my husband (well, and for me of course too). Apparently what I needed to snap out of that little funk was to be a little bit productive, put on a cute outfit, and feel pretty. Who knew?! I do have to admit though that before I got myself put together today, I kind of broke one of my rules. Remember that one where I said I wouldn't leave the house in sweats and a hoodie? Wellll...I went to Walmart this morning in jeans and a hoodie. I'm sorry - but it's my day off, the wind chill was in single digits, and it's Walmart. Forgive me? Because I promise it will happen again. :)

So anyway, I was tagged by Sam for this really fun post about all your favorite things from 2012. Check it out!

Favorite Makeup: I don't think I really consider it make up, but this stuff. I never had to worry about skin care throughout high school and college, but this past year I've found a regimen and I have to stick to it. There's 3 other products that make it in the routine too, but that one is my favorite product. 

Favorite Book: Me Talk Pretty Someday by David Sedaris. I was kind of a slacker and didn't finish many books last year. I do think David Sedaris is pretty hilarious though, and that book was a perfect beach read for me while we were in South Carolina.

Favorite Song/Album: It's hard to pick a favorite, but I listened to a lot of Florence and the Machine, Matt and Kim, and some Passion Pit songs last year. I sure did listen to a good amount of booty shaking music too on all those runs while we were training for our marathon, but probably not many of those were from 2012. Think more like from the 90s up through about 2006. :)

Favorite Movie: I feel like we saw a lot of movies toward the end of the year and I have to agree with Sam that the new James Bond movie was pretty amazing! This Is 40 was definitely one of my favorites though too. 

One Thing You're Grateful For: My husband. Predictable answer, I know, but it's true. 

Greatest Challenge: Finding a new job. It took me a year after graduating with my master's degree to finally get the job I'm in now. That process is soul crushing! Keeping your confidence up is key, but that can be awfully hard to do.

Looking Forward to in 2013: Two of my best friends are getting married this year and I am so freaking excited about it! I grew up with both of them, and one of them has been my best friend since before preschool. I have so much love for them and can't wait to be there when they each marry such great guys!

Now it's my turn to ask about some of your favorites! Tagging the ladies below in case you're interested in playing along. :)

Linking up...



  1. girl yes and high five to florence and the machine. I love them so much. Have you seen them live? It's amazing.

    1. I haven't! I started listening during all my training runs last summer because my ipod has the album my husband downloaded on it and I loved listening to their songs while I was running!

  2. Aw, I wish I had the day off ... I don't technically have a company holiday until May!

    1. Oh my gosh that sounds better enjoy that day!

  3. I think we should have every Monday off!

    Love your outfit! I love purple and grey together. Well I think your sweater is purple?

    1. I couldn't agree more! I'd say it's purplish...the bridesmaid dresses for our wedding were this color and David's Bridal called it sangria. I kind of liked that name! :)

  4. I love that necklace and reading about your 2012 :) So glad you snapped a picture of your "cheating" outfit although I don't blame you at all since it's so. cold. right now.

    Nicole @ Sequined Patterns

    1. Thanks Nicole! Next Wednesday it's supposed to be 50 degrees here in Columbus...I can't wait! haha

  5. Oh fun! I like this tag - I'll play! I love your music choices, Matt and Kim is one of my favorites!!

    And I'm jealous of your day off! And I totally rock a hoodie and jeans to go to Walmart - cause you're right - it's Walmart.

    1. Yay! I'm glad you approve, because I just couldn't get myself to care enough to look any cuter. :)

  6. Thank you for the mention! And I've gotta ask, did you go to K-State or are you just a fan? I'm originally from Kansas. I lived in a suburb of Kansas City.

    1. I did go to K-State for grad school, but I have to admit that it was online so I lived in Ohio that whole time. :) We did go visit though about halfway through my program and I loved it! Had I been at a different point in my life, I think I would've moved there rather than take classes online.

  7. Maybe stating the obvious but do you work at K state? My husbands from a small down in Kansas and we live in Nebraska.

    1. I wish I worked at K-State! I did their master's in Academic Advising online. It was the only program I could find that was specifically advising rather than Student Affairs. When we visited back in 2010, it was the first time I'd been to that area of the U.S. I loved it - I thought it was so peaceful! Is Nebraska like that too?

    2. Yeah, it's pretty easy going. We live in Omaha so it's the city, but it's a really nice place to live.

  8. Thank you for the tag. I will have to get back to you with that sometime next week. I also featured one of your looks from the challenge at my Sunday's Best Looks of the Week.

    I love the first look. Great Necklace. Love you without glasses.

    1. Thank you so much Ada! I have daily contacts, but pretty much only wear them to run. I ran earlier that day and just didn't feel like taking them out yet. :)

  9. Go State! A purple K-State hoodie is totally acceptable at all times!

    1. haha, I completely agree! When it's cold and I'm in comfy clothes, you can count on me either being in this hoodie, or my hoodie from junior high track. :)

  10. UGGGHHHHHH A KSTATE HOODIE?! I detag you!!! I detag you!!! :P Rock chalk, little lady.

    Samantha @ Sam ipsa loquitur

    1. hahahaha does it help that I consider myself a Buckeye first and foremost?! yeah, probably not! :)
