Thursday, January 10, 2013

30 for 30 Day 8: Stripes

shirt and cardigan: Old Navy, pants: Target, shoes: Payless, necklace: thrifted

I'm still a day behind, and this outfit is from yesterday. I was so glad I had something with stripes in my 30 for 30 challenge so that I could participate in the Trend of the Month link up over at Marionberry Style! So I'm at the point in the challenge where I'm re-thinking some of my outfits and may swap out 1 or 2 pieces that I haven't worn yet for something different. Has anyone else done that yet? I feel like swapping a short sleeve shirt out for a long sleeve would be smarter when you consider that it's January in Ohio and all! :)


  1. I'm a nerd whose pretty much planned all my outfits, swap it out, I already know there's a couple of things I'm hardly going to wear from my 30. I do love the stripes today and the pants too. You look super comfy again. :)

    1. I planned out all my outfits, but then keep switching it up when I change them up each week! :)

  2. You look great! One of my favorite color combos!
    Good luck with your challenge!


  3. Cuuuute! I really like those shoes paired with the pants. Totally agree with you and Ginny on sensing you won't wear certain items - there's a shirt I know I won't wear but I haven't brought myself to switch it for anything else yet.

    Nicole @ Sequined Patterns

    1. Thanks Nicole! It's made me realize that the next time I decide to buy something, maybe it should be some different long sleeves that would be good for layering.

  4. Yay for stripes! And I say go for it - swap out for something warmer, it is winter after all!!

  5. I like how well the light beige & the light gray go here. In Perfect harmony. I don't think swapping out items you haven't worn yet is breaking the rules. Even if so, I think when doing a Style Challenge one should tweak some rules to fit themselves. =)

    I hope you are having a better day today that it is Friday. Let me know if you are interested to Guest Post. ;-)

    Have a Beautiful Weekend, Ada. =)

    1. I liked those colors together too, but think it would be great with some colorful shoes too. :) I am interested in guest posting!

  6. I love that shirt! It's totally professional, but I bet it would also be super-cute with jeans! You look great!

    1. Thank you! I found this shirt on sale right after Christmas and it's already gotten a lot of wear!

      Jess - J's Style

  7. There are one or two pieces in my 30 that I'm kinda wishing I had chosen differently. At this point I've worn almost everything, so I'm going to tough it out. I did leave room for a "wild card" item though, and I'm having such a tough time choosing!

    1. I can't wait to see what your wild card item is!!
