Tuesday, March 12, 2013


scarf: gift, leggings & blazer: Target, dress: thrifted, boots: Clothes Mentor

I'm going to get really sentimental for a minute and talk about how much I love my job. If you're new to my blog, or if you forgot because I don't think I write about it too much, I'm an Academic Advisor at a local university. Most of my students are "nontraditional" students - they're older than the 18-22 age range, many have full time jobs and family responsibilities.  Right now work is incredibly busy - registration for summer term opened up last week and so of course this week students are all trying to get enrolled into their courses, requesting education plans, and asking all kinds of questions about their degree program. But I love it, because to me there's nothing better than being a part of empowering a student, even if it  was just because I simply took the time to really make sure a student understood their degree requirements and showed an interest in the million other things that are happening in their life. So yeah, I love my job. And this outfit. :)

Linking up a day late again...oops!



  1. I hope I'm able to find a job that I can love as much as you love yours. I think it's wonderful that you are enjoying it. What a blessing! I have to say I'm really loving this outfit on you. You look adorable!


    1. Thank you Sylvia! I hope that your job search is going well and giving you the opportunity to find something you truly love doing!

  2. I'm so glad you love your job! I wish I could say the same - I like my job, but I don't necessarily love my job. But it pays the bills and has a lot of good perks, so for now it works for me!

    I LOVE your bright colored blazer! It's great with the more subdued grays - wonderful color addition to your outfit. I'm starting to pull out more and more colored things as winter seems to be on it's way out.

    1. Thanks Beth! This may be my new favorite colors for spring. :) I think maybe I'm in the honeymoon phase...I don't doubt that after a few years I'll have plenty to not like about it...haha.

  3. Oh you had the perfect blazer for the inspiration! I really love this color! It'll be so fun for Spring and Summer too :)

  4. Loving this outfit - you look BEAUTIFUL in it. I adore the Orange-Red Blazer. =)
