Tuesday, April 2, 2013

March Budget

Between some financial goals I've set for myself this year, being in a friends wedding this June, and going to another friends wedding in Jamaica in December, a budget is going to be an incredibly important thing for me to stick to this year! I started out the month without a clear idea of what I wanted my budget to be, which is probably the worst way to go into it, but it didn't take long to determine that $75 was a good amount to go with. Enough that I could enjoy some shopping, but still a low enough amount that I had to practice a lot of self control and really think about whether or not I really wanted to add something to my closet. So here's what I ended up with:

Blazer (Target) - I've had a pretty serious obsession with wearing blazers lately. I couldn't resist this one...the color reminds me that spring will actually happen and I really like the longer length of the "boyfriend" fit.

Gray Vintage Tee (Old Navy) - I love gray tees for layering and have lived in the gray boyfriend tees from Target the past few summers. This one from Old Navy will get plenty of use.

Black Skinny Jeans (JCPenney) - I now have 3 pairs of black jeans in my closet...2 skinny and 1 straight leg. This skinny pair fits much better, so I need to finally make myself donate the original pair. I have to admit, probably not my smartest purchase.

Black boots (Old Navy) - For $16, I just couldn't pass them up. Would you? :)

Thrifted finds (Goodwill) - I thought the ring was fun, and the new Target running shorts and tank was probably my wishful thinking for warmer temperature.

Total = $86.50

Even though I went over budget, I'm still happy with how I did. This month I'll just keep trying to make even smarter decisions, and hopefully stay within that $75 amount I set for myself.

Linking up with Fran for budgeting bloggers...


  1. I think you got some great pieces, I love that blazer!

    1. Thanks Ginny - I think it'll be one of my favorite pieces this spring!

  2. You found some great pieces and you didn't go too far over your budget! I really love that blazer.

    I plan to start setting a monthly budget too, we have too many home repairs coming down the line darn it! But shopping bans just don't work anymore, so a budget is the way to go!

    1. Oh yes, in addition to the weddings, I have expensive car maintenance coming up too. Sigh, sometimes being an adult isn't so much fun...

  3. WOW I thought I had a small budget of 100-120 bucks a month. Granted I didn't spend anything in February and went within my budget on January. I still have to post my March purchases.

    I love the blazer, boots & Gray tee you got. I need/want/must have some Gray Tees myself. I will look for one when I come to USA, either at Target, JC Penney, Old Navy or Forever 21 - inexpensive you know.

    1. The Gray tees are a must have item for me, especially in the summer! All those stores sound like the perfect places to track down some expensive options.

  4. I found my black skinny jeans at JCP too. They have the best stuff! F21 is another favorite of mine for inexpensive stuff.


    Fashion and Beauty Finds

    1. I feel like I haven't been in Forever 21 in so long, but definitely need to go back!

  5. You found so many cute things! I love blazers, too, although I'm sad I wont be able to wear them as often during these summer :( ALSO, I love that your budget isn't like $150 a month...I too will have to enforce a smaller budget ($50-$75) a month during the summer months and will be trying to find very inexpensive finds. thrift stores here i come :)

    -Jenna Brianne

    1. There should definitely be some months that I stick close to a $50 budget! I'm right there with you - thrift stores are going to be crucial! :)
