Sunday, May 5, 2013

I Survived

jacket: thrifted, tank: Target, jeans: American Eagle, shoes: Kmart 

Well I survived the half marathon! It wasn't all that fun, it was my worst time I've had in a race yet, and my muscles are really achy today, but there's just something satisfying about crossing that finish line so I'm still glad I did it. Today was spent going to see Iron Man 3 with my husband, drinking wine and doing wedding crafts with the girls (we made props for the photo booth that will be at my friends wedding next month!), and then enjoying more wine and treating myself to spicy sweet chili Doritos. Since the yoga pants and sweatshirt I wore today aren't exactly blog worthy, I thought I'd share my look I put together for Ada's Blog Birthday Party instead. Happy belated birthday Ada! 


  1. Thank you so much for participating, linking up & for commenting. And you looked great. You should include the brands of these items. Love the cardigan, pants & shoes. =)

  2. Yay for you and the half marathon! So exciting and what an accomplishment! Love the black and white today too!

  3. Wow congrats on the half-marathon. I just did a 5k and I can't even imagine doing a half, nice job! I really love this outfit, you look great!

  4. Love this look! The color of your shoes completes the whole look!

  5. Congrats on the half-marathon!

    Love how you paired coloured shoes with a black and white outfit - great look xo

  6. I think just finishing a half marathon is an accomplishment worth being proud of! I'm training for one this coming summer. Also, I can't believe those shoes are from K-Mart - they look just like a pair of Seychelles I was swooning over a few years ago. Love them!
