Monday, June 3, 2013

May Budget

collage may

The only good explanation I have for disappearing for a week and spotty posting even before that is just that I needed a break. Do you have those days (or weeks...)? Work felt like a drag, I had several days that I just felt off,and every time I opened up my computer to attempt a blog post I just would get suddenly exhausted. Bottom line is that I need a vacation, but since I don't get to travel for one of those until December, it's time to find another strategy. For now, I'm just going to attempt the whole eating healthier and being more active plan, which unfortunately I've been struggling with lately!

So, to bring back my focus, I thought I'd finally finish my May budget post that started drafting over a week ago! As you can see, I didn't do well with targeting around the $75 I was going for. I still can't decide whether or not the pants are too tight for work, and if I decide that they are, then they're going back. I get so bored with black pants and have wanted a patterned pair in black and white so they could go with a lot more of my tops. The tags are on, so we'll see,but the longer they're in my closet, the less likely I am to return them! Other than that, I'm happy with my purchases. My H&M tunic (not pictured) is so comfortable it's like wearing pajamas, and I've already paired it with leggings twice since last Monday, so I'm sure it'll make its way onto the blog at some point. Here's hoping that I practice a little more self control this month, but tonight there was a trip to Kohl's and later this month I'm taking some time off work when my cousin visits from California and we both enjoy shopping just enough that I don't have high hopes for meeting my budget goals again. July may need some serious adjusting! :)

Linking up for budgeting bloggers...


  1. Nothing wrong with taking a break now and then! I can't wait to see you style those printed pants!

  2. I think every one needs a break every once in a while, so I'm glad you had a bit of time and now you're back!

    I really like both pairs of shoes you got this month - they are both so versatile!

    1. Thanks Franziska! I constantly wear the black flats, and the sandals are my weekend go-to.

  3. You must keep those pants. They are amazing. Used to have a very similar pair of skinny crops from The Limited. Not sure what happened to them. And I went over the budget by double, this past month myself.

  4. Loving the shoes by the way, especially the sandals, so cute & neutral.
