Saturday, August 24, 2013

Some Work To Do

tee: Old Navy, belt & shoes: Target, jeans: Shopper's World

*Before you get into reading the deep stuff, I'll give you one of the few outfits I've liked lately :)

An exceptionally crappy day at work and a comment from my husband forced me to realize that I've got some self improvement to do to really truly be happy with myself. Thursday morning started off with a meeting in which I learned that the advising team I had just joined in May, working specifically with first year college students (my dream!) will be defunct by October. Did I know that was coming? Yes, our team isn't stupid and we'd picked up on some hints the past few months. Was I still devastated? Of course, and really cranky and emotional about it. I came home to a husband who simply reminded me that I still have a job doing what I had gone to school for. The fact that he wasn't jumping in and supporting my pity party got under my skin, and then he said this - you're not just mopey right now, you've been mopey for weeks now. 

Wow. I have to admit that I spent Thursday night continuing to sulk and generally being pissed off. At work, at him, kind of at everything. Once that wore off though, I got to thinking and realized he's completely right. I hate when that happens. Lately work has felt well, a little more like work than it typically does for me. I'm tired all the time, I don't typically feel good in outfits I pick out, I haven't been working out at all, and I've been making the worst choices when it comes to food. I realize that easy mac, combos, and a Diet Dr. Pepper from the bookstore is a lunch that will make you feel miserable within a few hours, but that didn't stop me. 

So now I'll try to change all those things. It started today with a short run, and plans to do the same tomorrow. Some grocery shopping happened with some reasonably healthy foods purchased, although I'll admit that the $1 mini pack of Oreos suckered me in while in line at the store. Baby steps I suppose. What tips do you have for finding little ways to incorporate some healthier habits into your daily routine? I'd love to hear them!


  1. Baby steps for sure! It's the easiest way to get yourself back to a better place without feeling overwhelmed and crashing. I think what you've started is great. Another thing that is really important and that I always overlook is getting enough sleep and drinking way more water. Oh, and I love this outfit, those pants look great on you!

  2. Baby steps for sure! It's the easiest way to get yourself back to a better place without feeling overwhelmed and crashing. I think what you've started is great. Another thing that is really important and that I always overlook is getting enough sleep and drinking way more water. Oh, and I love this outfit, those pants look great on you!

  3. It is amazing how an entirely processed foods lunch really can have a terrible effect on the rest of your day. I agree with Inge about the water and sleep, for sure. I also try to take walks. Sometimes going out for a run can be such a burden (sports bra, shower to follow, so time consuming!) but you don't need anything for a walk. A five minute walk can do amazing things. We all have our off days, but I hope that you don't have too many more.

  4. i'm sorry to hear you're in a slump. i get like that when the seasons start transitioning every year! i try to get up and walk a little at work, and i force myself to drink a ton of water while i'm at work, too. i also wake up early every morning to run and have some time to myself. i hope you get out of your funk soon!

  5. Just found your blog and sorry to hear about the bad day at work and comment. I know what you mean about needing some time for yourself. I hope things get better and I like your red pants too


  6. Well, one would definitely not be able to guess from these Fierce Red Pants that you have had a few crappy last few weeks. Hope all is better & that you are making better & healthier choices for you & those close to you. Once again you look like a Million Bucks.

    And now I am all caught up with your blog and I left lots of love along the way so check that out!

    Happy Hump Day Jess!! Ada. =)

  7. i hope you are getting back on track, jess. i've been hoarding this post in my reader trying to find the right words to share. really, it just hit me so hard because i feel as though i can very much relate. i feel like i have been very reactionary toward those around me lately rather than responding to whatever comes at me, and it's caused some snippy remarks, rolled eyes, big fights. it's hard not to let the stress we experience come out in unproductive ways. i'm encouraged by what you're trying and i hope i can figure out something that works for me, too!
