Friday, January 17, 2014

30x30 - Day 11

tee: Target, denim shirt: thrifted, pants: Discount Fashion Warehouse (Express brand), boots: JCPenney

This shirt typically gets tons of weekend wear because a baggy button up is my way of looking just a little bit put together (as put together as a denim shirt allows!) while still feeling like I'm hanging out in something as comfortable as my hooded sweatshirt. This is my attempt at making it appropriate for a casual Friday at work, although the great news today is that only half of my day was spent there! We get to head home tonight for a beer tasting with both sets of parents, then hanging out with my family the rest of the weekend. The best part for me is that I get to come back and still have Monday off work! I love my husband, but I'm looking forward to a day to myself. A workout, reading my book, watching more Orange is the New Black, and maybe doing some thrifting because it's been a really long time are the only things on my to-do list. High achiever over here!

Other ways I've worn my favorite shirt...




  1. I am loving your recaps of how you have worn the same piece. The day you described sounded great. What is that new show about?

    1. Thanks Ada! I'm really enjoying have that addition to my blog too. Orange is the New Black is a show about a woman who is sentenced to 15 months in prison for a decade old crime. I read the book and it was really interesting and so far I've enjoyed the show too!
