Saturday, January 25, 2014

30x30 - Day 17

sweater: gift (from Gap), tee & boots: Target, jeans: Kohl's, scarf: Giant Eagle

Beth nominated me for the Golden Blog Award and it's the perfect excuse to write some random facts about myself. :) Here's the rules:

 Either use the award logo in the post, or create your own. 
-Link to whoever nominated you.
-Write 10 facts about yourself.
-Nominate bloggers
-Tell the bloggers so that they know they have been nominated.

1. For the longest time I thought I was purely an extrovert - I'll talk to any stranger, anytime. But the past year or so I've realized that I'm much more of an introvert than I ever thought. I really need my alone time to re-charge, and lately I make a point to having at least one night on the weekend that my husband and I don't make any plans but to hang out at home together.

2. I have a really good memory for names and faces and can remember things people have told me about themselves for a really long time. It comes in handy professionally as an Academic Advisor (and previously as a Case Manager), but there's times I feel bad about it. For example, my sophomore year of college I was at the gym when a girl a few machines down from me fell and went flying off the treadmill. Everyone was really nice about it thankfully, but I saw her at a conference this past November and still recognized her...10 years later. I would be mortified!

3. My first job out of college was as a Case Manager, working with ex-offenders. I was 21 when I started working there and the youngest person on staff by at least 10 years. I think I was proposed to at least twice, and let's just say I never ever wore skirts. :) 

4. I haven't really been single since I was barely 17 and I'm perfectly ok with that. I was in a 6 1/2 year relationship, then started dating my husband pretty much as soon as that ended. 6 months later we moved in together. It sounds cliche, but I really did just know from the start that my husband was right for me. 

5. I come from a really small family, but married into a really big one. It was a little bit overwhelming the first year, but I kind of love the crazy that comes along with a tight knit family of 40 (that's including all the aunts, uncles, and cousins in the family!)

6. When we planned our wedding, I was also in graduate school, working full time, and trained for a half marathon. In fact, I ran the race, turned in final projects, and got married all within one week. I have a feeling there's a lot of you out there who are parents and think that sounds like a vacation, but for me it was an accomplishment and I just remind myself of that time when I start to feel overwhelmed with just work.

7. I ran a marathon, but was a little disappointed after the race. It's another accomplishment I'm proud of, but it was a lot of work and I remember when I came down from the runner's high after finishing the race thinking "ok, now what?". The training was much more challenging than the actual race and dominated our lives for a good 5 months. (my husband ran the race too)

8. I'm a recent library lover. I work 2 blocks from our main branch and will request books online, then go pick them up on my lunch break. Confession though - I've had a book on hold for me since last Friday, but it's been so cold I haven't been able to talk myself into even that short walk yet!

9. I've never dyed my hair. Only had an unfortunate experience with sun-in when I was in high school and my mom refused to let me dye it back to my natural color.

10. I'm a details person, mostly at work though. My poor students often get a novel of an email response from me because I'm so thorough (at least that's what I like to think!), and I'm constantly considering how an action would potentially impact future situations. 

If you want to join in, I'm nominating:

Inge - This Ever Evolving Life
Brynn - Brynn Ash
Ada - Elegance and Mommyhood
Andi - Just Another Smith
Heidi at Literate & Stylish

And for fun, skinny jeans. Not the same pair, but no denying the style is a favorite of mine...Also linking up with AJ with some other ladies who are taking on this 30x30 challenge.




  1. It was fun reading these facts about you! Thanks for nominating me! I'll definitely join in with the fun. I really like your scarf in this outfit.

  2. i loved reading all of these facts about you! and thank you for nominating me, i love doing posts like this once in a while... it might take me a while to post it though, sometimes it's so hard to think of random facts about ourselves. i love your scarf, too, it almost looks like it's two different patterns?

  3. Okay, so #2 is something I deal with, too. The biggest problem for me is that it can come across and kind of stalker-ish! Like, why do I remember details about someone from 10-15 years ago?? It sounds like I was obsessed with them, but then I have to explain that I remember stuff like that about everyone. My friends from high school will randomly call me and ask weird questions about who went to homecoming with who freshman year, and I pretty much always know.

    And #9 - wow! You are fortunate to have a very pretty natural color! I started going gray when I was 15!

  4. It was so fun reading these facts about you! I love these posts to learn a little bit more of the person on the computer. My favorites were #8 and #9. #8 because I am also a library lover. We go to the library at least once a week. It's very calming to me to browse through all the books and to take in the quiet. #9 I am so jealous because of my gray hair, I have to dye it all the time! You are one lucky girl. Also, I love this outfit!

  5. Ohh I just saw this. I like writing random things about myself and will do this as soon as I can, probably sometime next week. Thanks for the reward. You of course deserve it. I love the colors on this Outfit. That Sweater & Scarf are gorgeous. Number 1, 2 & 6 we are identical on. ;-)

    I'd love for you to stop by my blog today and link up this great Outfit. I am hosting my first ever link up, featuring Leggings and Boots, though any Winter Outfit would work. This Outfit would be perfect.

    I know I said it before too, but I love the bangs.

    Thanks for everything and Happy Wednesday!!

  6. Hey Jess!! Thank you so much for the nomination! I am getting prepared for my posts next week, and I will be sure to pass along the nomination and write the post to go up next week!

    First of all - LOVE your outfit! It seriously couldn't be any cuter. I loved getting to know you a bit better with this post as well...and I can totally relate about so many of these things. I also have a memory that is like a sponge - I remember names, faces, and facts about people and it is hard for me to forget them. With my previous experience working in college admissions, orientation, advising, and now my work as a high school counseling intern, it is SUCH a helpful quality, but I totally remember the embarrassing things about people as well... Also, I totally can relate about the wedding planning thing. My husband and I decided in February of the year that we got married that we wanted to move the wedding up a year, so we planned the wedding in 3.5 months. During that time, I was also finishing up my last semester of college, dealing with my grandmother's battle with terminal cancer and death that April, searching for a job, AND my husband and I were long-distance at the time, and I was getting ready to move to where he was living. I have no idea how we got through it all, but I'm really glad things turned out as they did! :)
