Tuesday, February 11, 2014

30x30 - The Recap

30x30 1
30x30 2
30x30 3
30x30 4

Here we go, let's summarize that 30x30 challenge! 30 different outfits using 30 different pieces selected from my closet. See the original 30 items selected here, then if you're interested you can check out the details of the items swapped towards the end of the challenge. 
Favorite look: #15
Least Favorite look: #3
Hardest thing about the challenge: The weather! We’re probably all sick of talking about the weather, but multiple days of wind chills in the -20 range combined with many more days of temperatures in the teens left me with no interest in wearing anything put pants, while my original selections for the challenge included two skirts and 4 dresses. At this point I’m desperate for weather mild enough to allow dresses, skirts, and ankle pants! Also, I’m agreeing with Andi and saying that laundry was an issue. I like that pink button up from look #4, but once it hit the laundry basket after that night it never made it back out.
Easiest thing about the challenge: It’s pretty easy to decide what to wear when you have limited options. This morning I spent so much time going through multiple outfit changes that I didn’t even realize how much time I had wasted. When I finally looked at the clock it was almost the time I’m supposed to be at work for the day and I was still standing there without an outfit picked, no make-up, and hair in the crazy ponytail it had been put in just to get it out of my way. Big huge fail.
Advice to myself for next time: Focus on including tops that can each be appropriate for work or for the weekend. My weekends tend to be pretty low key and casual and the first time I completed this challenge I finished feeling like I wished I had more options available for those times. I think I over-corrected this time and really didn’t need both sweatshirts, the casual brown sweater, and the denim shirt to all be included in my selections.
Overall it was a fun experience! I'll likely do it again in the future, but opt to do it in a different season this time to switch it up a bit. :)


  1. YAY for the recap! I have had such a hard time deciding what to wear lately - I might have to make up new challenges now just to make decisions easier! And yeah, laundry is stupid! I should really win the lottery or something so I can hire someone to iron my clothes for me!

  2. You did awesome! I've always wanted to try a 30x30 challenge but I've been too intimidated to do so - I think you did pretty darn good! I agree the weather would make it a challenge though!

  3. I give props to anyone that does this challenge. I might just pull the plug and actually do it this April. I would have to agree with your most favorite & least favorite looks. Plus, a bright blazer makes everything better. So bad about having included so many Dresses & Skirts and using them so little. But it has been the Winter from hell in the States. =(

  4. this is cool:P I should do one too!

    Check out my valentines giveaway! :)
