Thursday, February 20, 2014

Many Days, Many Ways

shirt: Charming Charlie, sweater: Kohl's, pants: Discount Fashion Warehouse (Express brand), boots: JCPenney

I know I’ve already professed my love for black jeggings, but you’re going to have to listen to it once again since it was the first item in my closet I thought of when I decided to link-up for the Many Days, Many Ways link-up with Ginny, Danielle, and Nicole. You can check out my previous remixes here. This time I wanted to highlight an outfit I wore this week (side note – there was a time that I would’ve thought it was crazy to wear bright pink and animal print to work, but that didn’t even cross my mind this time!). Although these pants may not be appropriate in every work environment, mine is usually casual enough that I don’t feel inappropriate wearing them. Look below to see how I’ve recently styled them for work again, a more casual look, and for a date night with my husband!



  1. This turned out amazing. I want your jacket. I think you are lucky that you get to work in a pretty casual environment because you can do both casual and dressy outfits. And I need a pair of Black Jeggings - it's beyond me how I don't have some =D.

  2. I love my black jeggings too! I bought them while I was pregnant and they still work after too. They are so versatile! I love the many ways you've styled yours, I think my favorite is the fun jacket in the featured picture!

  3. Um yeah black jeggings are pretty darn awesome. I love this jacket too, so cool!

  4. Theses jeggings are perfect! I love the combo today and the bright color is such a great touch. Thanks for linking up!

  5. i love that sweater, jess, it almost looks like a blazer! what a fun print. and i can't tell that the pants you're wearing are jeggings, they just look like black skinny jeans, but either way i say wear what you love! i love how versatile my black skinny jeans are and am surprised at how often i've worn them since getting them!
