Friday, June 27, 2014

Finds Under Fifty: Staycation

staycation final

If you've been reading for awhile, you may remember the short-lived Finds Under 50 posts I did where I put together an outfit that costed less than $50 total. For fun, I've decided to bring a version of that back, but instead I'll pick a theme and include items I either have or with I had that are less than $50 each. I can't promise any kind of regularity to this, just sounded fun to do whenever I feel like it. :) 

Today's theme: Staycation! As of today I'm officially off work until Thursday (then off work again on Friday - woohoo!) No fun vacations planned this year thanks to baby on the way and my husband doing some serious training for a triathlon in September, so I'm using some vacation time to enjoy a few days to myself and to get some things done around the house before my cousin visits from out of state next week. There's no real agenda in place, but in addition to tackling my to-do list I'm hoping for some back patio sitting, a pedicure, some shopping in neighborhoods I don't usually make it to, and maybe I'll even start to learn that sewing machine I've had for a year and a half! 

1: sunglasses / 2: tank / 3: striped tee /4: shorts / 5: tote / 6: palazzo pants (I keep hoping I work up the nerve to try these!) / 7: tshirt dress / 8: sandals / 9: converse


  1. I love all of these choices for a staycation! I want to try palazzo pants too! And I love the striped shirt and the black bag!

  2. That sounds like a fabulous staycation. I enjoy time like that! Enjoy!!
