Wednesday, February 17, 2016

January Spending

january 2016
sweater: exact / necklace: exact / blue pants: exact / jeans (dark wash): exact / jeans (medium wash): exact /
pants (olive): exact / jeans (not pictured above): similar

Discount Fashion Warehouse – 3 pairs of Express pants at $14 a pair + $14 sweater = $56
Target – blazer (not pictured) at $10.68 + necklace at $14.99 = $25.67
Kroger – blanket scarf (not pictured) = $6
JCPenney - blue pants + jeans (not pictured) = $12 after credit from return 

Total = $99.67

Since spending this past fall clearing out a ton of the clothes I didn’t wear, I’ve tried really hard to stay away from spur of the moment purchases and to be a lot more intentional about the things I do buy and for the most part I think I’ve done a pretty good job. I even went into Target with a gift card back in December and left with only socks for my son! :)  

I haven’t been wearing as many skirts or dresses for whatever reason, so pants have been my go to option every day. Before getting pregnant I had put on some weight and even had to size up at one point. Looking back, I realize I had some pretty unhealthy habits I had developed, like snacking way too much, drinking too many calories in the form of alcoholic beverages (many of our weekend plans involved getting drinks!), and just portion sizes that were too big. Obviously the drinking stopped when I got pregnant, and the feeling of eating until I was stuffed made me sick to my stomach so smaller more frequent snacks and meals became the norm. Thankfully the portion control stuck once the new habit was created, I don’t often have drinks outside of a couple total some weekends, and keeping up with a little one hasn’t left much time to sit around and snack.

I give you that long story to pretty much say that I had dropped enough weight that most of my pants were too big and stretched out and I needed new ones. Not that I’m complaining because I feel really lucky, but I always feel like pants can be hard to find when you need them rather than just want them. I got lucky at JCPenney with their clearance sales when I was returning another pair of pants I got for Christmas that didn’t fit, but it took a couple of trips to Discount Fashion Warehouse to find jeans, black jeggings, and olive colored pants that fit since those are the options I basically live in.

The next few months I’ll be taking a closer look at the skirts I kept, really determining which ones fit well and will still get lots of wear, then picking up a few more since I rely on those much more in warmer weather. I’ve been seeing a lot about LuLaRoe on Facebook and a good friend of mine speaks really highly of the brand. She’ll be hosting a little shopping event like they do sometime in March, so I plan to use that as an opportunity to try on the Cassie style skirt that I’ve got my eye on. I'm really hoping it's a good option! 

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