Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Half Tuck

tee: Target, shorts: Gap outlet, shoes: Old Navy

My husband willingly went to the outlet mall an hour from our house yesterday. Willingly because he needed some new clothes, but willingly nonetheless! The majority of my spending was at the Nike Factory Store. I'm 99% sure my husband has talked me into running a marathon in October, so I decided that I needed more running shorts to get me through the summer. I picked ones with bright colors and fun patterns of course!

I wore the outfit pictured above today to be with one of my best friends while she tried on wedding dresses for the first time. Although there's nothing more beautiful than a bride in a wedding dress, I figured I'd still step it up a notch from my usual Sunday uniform. I would've never paid the original price of $44 for these shorts, but gladly forked over the outlet store price of $15. When I got home, my husband asked me why my t-shirt was tucked in just the front. I responded that I thought it made the outfit look less sloppy, but what I wanted to say was "gosh...don't you read style blogs?!" :)


  1. LOL about your husband's comment! I love the print on these shorts, they're so cute! And those shoes are too fun as well!

  2. Haha, sometimes non fashion bloggers just don't get out fashion choices :) The shorts were such a steal for $15, I love the colorful print on them!

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