Monday, May 21, 2012

Take Two

tee: Target, vest and skirt: thrifted, belt: Marshall's, shoes: Kohl's

This outfit looks a whole lot like this one, but I liked it so much I just had to do it again! I don't know why, but I really wanted to pair this shade of olive green with black. Two of my co-workers did that on the same day last week, so maybe that was my inspiration? 

I'm finding that as the weather gets warmer, it gets harder for me to find outfits that I feel like are unique and interesting. Jackets and sweaters are such great items to finish an outfit, so I'm worried I may struggle a little by the time summer comes around and I just can't stand to wear the layers! Anyone else have that same struggle?

Linking up today with Life of Meg, Thrifters Anonymous at ColorBlind, and Watch Out for the Woestmans.

Mingle 240

Thrifters Anonymous


  1. Ooooh you're outfit is so dang cute! And I try to wear as little as possible during the summer (while still being modest, ha ha) and layering goes out the door! It's not worth putting up with the heat :)

    1. haha, I love your idea!! If only we could all spend our entire summers poolside, then I wouldn't have to worry about it! :)

  2. Jess, thanks so much for stopping by my blog and how cool we live in the same city! I love you pleated skirt. I have a couple of pleated skirts that need to be altered and then they will be getting some good use. I am always cold, so no matter what the heat I seem to layer. I am hot outside and need a sweater, scarf, or blazer inside. Mostly in the summer I live in a bathing suit at the pool, so hopefully my blog will make me get a little more dressed up!

    1. Thanks Carrie! I don't enjoy the heat...I'm hoping our offices at work stay cool enough this summer to let me get away with sweaters, scarves, and blazers during the day. :)

  3. i know what you mean about dressing differently in the summer. i struggle with that too. i guess that's where great prints, statement jewelry, and fun accessories like colored belts come in. we'll see how well i can stick to my own advice!

    i love your pleated skirt - it flows so nicely! every pleated skirt i find and try on just doesn't look right on me at all, but these pleats are really nice!

    1. Thanks Heidi! I'm not so crazy about the original length of the skirt. I have this one rolled a few times. If I had your sewing skills, I suppose it would be an easy fix! :)

  4. GORGEOUS! You look adorable in this outfit - these colors really suit you. Love your blog!

  5. I know what you mean about wanting to layer. I think a good substitute for that is accessorizing more...either with a scarf, a statement necklace, or a belt. :)

    The Tiny Heart
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    1. I love all of those things! Sounds like a great reason to stock up on some new summer favorites. :)

  6. I agree with the others - accessories can really help with outfits in the summer.

    This is so cute! I love the vest, it's so flattering on you and the cute "cap" like sleeves are so fun!

    1. Thanks Beth! It's been one of my favorite thrifted finds!

  7. It sounds like accessories are the way to go...Charming Charlie here I come! Thanks for the help ladies! :)

  8. I love this pleated skirt! You could wear that with every single one of your tops this summer! Plus all your colorful shoes!
