Wednesday, April 10, 2013


tee: Old Navy, pants: Kohl's, shoes: thrifted, necklace: gift

My mind is fuzzy from being tired, stressed, and that glass of wine that was oh so deserved tonight. Is anybody else ready for the weekend?! :)

Linking up...


  1. I'm ready for the weekend. It's the middle of the week and I'm already exhausted and stressed out. Maybe I should have a drink :) Nice outfit!


  2. I am so ready for the weekend! It cannot get here fast enough!

  3. Love that slouchy tee! Very cute, comfy outfit :) And yes... I could not be more ready for this weekend!!

  4. Man, I am SO ready for the weekend! Unfortunately, I have a an event that I have to work at this Saturday, so I'm not getting a break :(

  5. Hi Jess. Sometimes I have those feelings. You got to understand with a real young baby, I get more tired, more often now. And a lot of times I may not get enough sleep. I love your tee by the way. I need some Gray Tees as I said.

    Anyway I miss you on my page. I made changed to my blog & have a couple of announcements, too. I'd love for you to participate in my Birthday Post. Also, did you check this past week's Best Looks? If so, do it. =) Thank You.

    LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING YOU & let me know if you want to participate in both things I got coming soon, to my blog. =)
