Tuesday, October 1, 2013

September Budget

sept collage1
sept collage2

Sweatshirt - $15.26 from H&M
Sneakers - $12 from Walmart
Purse - $12.81 from Target
Dress - $14.97 from Old Navy
Shoes - $26.94 from Old Navy

Shirt - $9.99 from Old Navy
not pictured:
Fake Toms (I wasn’t sure what else to call them!) - $5.87 from Walmart
Total = $97.84
It’s time for another months budget recap. I feel like I’ve been treating it less like a budget and more like just a review what I decided to buy that month. I think I’m ok with that, but I’m still trying to stay close to the $75 per month I had originally targeted. Clearly that didn’t happen this month though! 
I used our trip to San Francisco as an excuse to buy both pairs of shoes from Walmart, the H&M sweatshirt, and the purse. Did I need all of those items? No probably not, but the comfortable shoes were perfect for all the walking we did, the sweatshirt was the perfect layer and I wore it most days we were out there, and the purse was just the right size for everything I needed to carry with me. 
The trip to Old Navy happened because I wanted another pair of dressy flats and really like the way the pair from Old Navy fit that I found as part of May's budget. They just feel more supportive than all the other inexpensive flats I've collected (mostly from Target) over the years. The gray/silver pair I found are perfect, and I thought the shirt and dress were good enough deals that they both needed to come home with me too! 
Linking up with Fran for Budgeting Bloggers...


  1. I really like the ON flats too. They are so comfortable for the $$.

  2. I really like the ON flats too. They are so comfortable for the $$.

  3. I love those Old Navy Flats as I said and want them for myself, are they comfy? I also want that Teal/Cobalt Dress. My favorite things you got besides the Flats, are the Tennis Shoes & that amazing Gray Sweat-shirt (love it).
