Sunday, January 5, 2014

Another 30x30

I've decided to do another 30x30 remix challenge. Because well, why not? In case you haven't heard about the challenge created by Kendi, you can read about it here. I did a 30x30 challenge last year during this time and for me it was a great way to focus on what was already in my closet and a pretty good way to avoid adding more to it. That's always a good idea, especially after the expenses of the holiday season! I read about Brynn's plans to join in on the challenge with AJ, and when I read the guidelines she was following of no shoes included in this remix, I was sold and decided I was game for joining in. I didn't include shoes in the 30 items last year, which is the only way I think I managed the challenge last year. I don't have an obscene collection or anything, but there's enough pairs that I just couldn't imagine ignoring for a month. Plus I think that shoes have the ability to completely change an outfit, so I think it'll make things a bit more interesting to have them included!

So below are the pieces I've chosen. Compared to my choices last year (seen here) I tried to be a little more conscious about what I'd want to wear on the weekends. My style tends to be pretty different for the work week versus the weekend, with weekends being more about being comfortable while doing the very minimum needed to avoid looking like I just rolled out of bed. Just being honest here. I actually had some trouble finding 30 items I wanted to select, which may be a sure sign that I'm likely wearing the same items over and over again anyway. To cope with that struggle a little bit, I've switched it up a bit and actually only selected 29 items and decided that number 30 will be a wild card, giving me one more item I can pull into the challenge at anytime over the next 30 days. I'm hoping that helps me avoid the inevitable episode of me standing in my closet whining about having nothing to wear one morning while being late to work! :)



  1. YAY! I'm doing my first 30X30, so I'm excited to see what you come up with each day!

    1. So glad you're doing this too! It'll be so much fun to follow along with you!

  2. Can't wait to see what you come up with! You picked some great pieces to work with!

  3. Great choices! Good luck with the challenge, I can't wait to see what you come up with!

  4. Nice, Jess! I am so happy you'll be joining in on the 30x30 remix! I am super nerdy and loooove dressing in just a handful of items for an extended period of time, so I'm eager to see how it goes for you too. I love all the little pops of red :)

  5. This is great. One of these days I am going to pull the plunge and do it myself. =)
