Wednesday, May 7, 2014


tee: H&M, blazer/jeans/shoes: thrifted

Blazers have been my go-to lately! This look was from this past Friday and I still have a few pictures to catch up on from different days too. Clearly on Friday I couldn’t be bothered with taking the time to do my hair, but we had interviews for a specific post-secondary enrollment program for local high school students so I didn’t want to look too casual (although I think denim, a sweatshirt blazer, and a ponytail are pretty laid back!). It was a busy Friday, followed by a busy but fun start to the weekend, so I was very thankful to just hang out and get a few things done around the house on Sunday. I’m pretty sure yoga pants were involved the entire day. :)


  1. Yoga pants are a must for Sundays!! But this blazer is great for any other day! Is it a sweatshirt material? If so, amazing!

  2. Sweatshirt blazers are the best! I have one too and I love it! I don't wear it enough actually, you just reminded me about it!

    Yoga pants are my weekend uniform!

  3. Oooh a sweatshirt blazer, I need to get me one of those!

  4. Aww, I like this outfit! Definitely looks like something I'd wear!! :)

  5. I wish the weather didn't decide to skip straight to summer so I could wear more of my sweatshirt blazers!

  6. I still haven't found a blazer I like, but I'm pretty sure if I ever encounter a sweatshirt blazer, I will love that one. I love this look for hanging around high school kids, but still looking like an adult!

  7. You always rock blazers and cropped pants. I hope things are getting less busy for you. I miss your posts. =)

    Have a great weekend!!

  8. Blazers are the best! I love how they add instant chicness to any look!
