Monday, June 16, 2014

Some News

tee/pants/shoes: Target, sweater: Kohl's, bracelet: souvenir from trip to S.C.
I have some news - I'm pregnant! I'm in week 19 now and so thankful I can finally mention it on here. It was hard for me to be present here and not be able to be honest with you (I felt like a big huge liar!), but now that everyone we wanted to hear personally from us has been told, I'm free to open up about it here on the internet. :) So there you go, you now know the real reason I couldn't keep up with blogging! While work is still mentally taking what feels like all I've got, I'm at least feeling physically better after some seriously miserable times of nausea. To be fair though, my tolerance of feeling awful is pretty low!

We started telling people outside of our immediate family around week 14, so since then I haven't felt the need to hide my weight gain and I've been so much more excited to get dressed in the morning! I probably jumped into maternity pants sooner than I needed to because, well, I think they're amazing (why can't everything have elastic waistbands!) but am really trying to be financially responsible and pace myself with the shopping. We'll see what that does to my yearly budget (see those details here) but I'm already accepting the fact that my total for the year will need to be adjusted upward!


  1. YAY!!! I had this sneaking suspicion when you hadn't been blogging as much and when you were talking about your husband running but you not joining him and a few other things, I totally thought you might be. I'm so happy for you - sorry to hear the first weeks were rough but I'm glad you're feeling better now! You look fantastic! And you're already almost halfway in!! And yes, maternity pants are like the greatest thing ever, I kind of miss them sometimes!! Congrats again, so, SO excited for you!!

    1. Thanks so much Beth!! It was so tough between not feeling well and then feeling exhausted to even feel like I had the brain power to write something on here, but I missed it! I'm glad to be back, and am excited for this next new adventure. :)

  2. WOOHOO!!!!! Congrats! That is amazing news!

    1. Thank you!! We're pretty excited about it, but also pretty terrified! :)

  3. Oh wow, congratulations!! What happy news!

    1. Thanks Inge! So fun to finally be able to share the news!

  4. You sneaky lady! :-) Congratulations! That's so exciting!

    1. Thank you!! I tried to be a little bit sneaky. :)

  5. That's great news! Congrats!

    1. Thanks Faith!! We certainly surprised some people, which was fun! :)

  6. EEEk that's so exciting!!! Congrats!!! I feel like when the time comes for me, I'll be the same way about maternity pants - I've lusted after that elastic waist band since my very first friend got pregnant!

  7. Hoorayyyy, Jess!!! I'm so excited for you!! Now that the cat's out of the bag, I'm eager to see your little bump grow :)

  8. I kept checking and checking and checking to see if there was any new post. And finally I stopped by this morning to read your happy happy news. Big congratulations to you both, pretty lady! <3 Ada.
