Thursday, October 16, 2014


photo 3 (14)

dress: Target
sweater: thrifted
shoes: Target

I can clearly tell this outfit is one that's from a few weeks ago that never got posted because I'm wearing shoes with a heel! My feet have been pretty sore lately and the little bit of puff has arrived sooooo heels probably aren't the best idea from here on out. So are you sick of me talking/complaining about being pregnant yet? I feel like it's all I talk about and it has consumed my every waking thought, but I suppose that's pretty normal for a first time mom being 3 weeks away from her due date.....right? :)


  1. well it's no wonder you may be consumed with your pregnancy and being a momma since it's so soon! i'm so excited for you jess (haha i hope that doesn't sound creepy) and i am really looking forward to hearing about the birth of your little one. regardless of when you wore this outfit, you look great!

    1. Not creepy at all, I think that's so incredibly sweet of you!! I feel like we've "known" each other for a long time now because of our blogs and that type of thing is one of my favorite parts about blogging!

  2. I'm sure if/when I get pregnant, that's all I'll ever talk about. I mean, I feel like I pretty only much talk about my back aches, my weird cravings, and my growing belly in real life. t minus 3 weeks!! that's so exciting!! any day now!!

    1. It's hard! And then of course it's what everyone who sees me talks about too, people I know and strangers, because the size of this belly clearly leaves no question that I'm close to my due date. I always think it's incredibly friendly of people and it always puts a smile on my face and is a good reminder of how this experience really is an amazing one, but I'm ready for it to not be the first thing somebody notices about me again!

  3. Ah! I am so, so excited for you, Jess!! I think it's perfectly fine that you're talking about your pregnancy - it's a huge deal and it would be weird if you WEREN'T talking about it, haha! I can't wait to hear all about the little guy when he gets here!
