Monday, October 13, 2014


photo 2 (17)

tee: H&M
sweater: Kohl's
pants: Target (maternity)
shoes: Target

The day I wore this outfit I had these pieces stuck in my head, then for some reason tried to talk myself into something different before I realized I was being ridiculous and should just wear what sounds comfortable for the day. There's not too many days recently that are super comfortable so I've decided to just not fight how I'm feeling on any particular day anymore. I've put in some effort to make some better dietary choices that I think are helping me feel the best that I can because pregnant or not, a lunch of easy mac, chips, and Coke Zero will make you feel awful - I know this but yet still try it anyway! Might as well make outfit choices that I know will make me feel my best too! 


  1. Yes! It's all about the comfort at this point! You look cute too, I like these neutral shades together!

    1. Thanks Beth! Neutrals have been my best friend, and this shirt has gotten so much use lately that I'm pretty sure it's the best $4 I've ever spent! :)

  2. I am with you on the comfort thing - I am trying to do something different everyday, but if I am not comfortable when I put it on, I'm over it. And it's so funny you mention diet - I've kind of been letting myself go lately and I know I need to get back on track!

    How many weeks are you at this point?

    1. It's really hard to stay on track though!! I'll be 37 weeks tomorrow, so our due dates are pretty close. Kind of hoping he decides to make his appearance just a little bit early - maybe a week of so! ;)

  3. I read the title of your post and couldn't help but think "effort? ugh, that's the worst." If only things were just as easily done as they are said!

    1. It's definitely the worst! haha. And really hard to do!
