Thursday, November 13, 2014

Meet Jacob


Our baby boy is here! Meet Jacob, born Monday November 3rd after almost 17 hours of labor. He's a big boy, with a birth weight of 9 lbs 2 oz and 21 inches long. I still look at him and am just amazed that a week and a half ago he somehow fit in my belly. :) He gave us a bit of a scare by taking some fluid into his lungs, which caused him to spend the night in the NICU to get some help breathing for just a little bit (thankfully he was off of those machines later that night) and be monitored. 

I still can't believe we're actually parents and we created this little being. They let him lay on my chest for a minute or so before taking him to the NICU, but it was about 5 hours after he was born that I finally got to really hold him. As the nurse placed him in my arms he was crying like crazy, but the second I talked to him he just stopped crying, opened those eyes nice and wide and turned his head towards me and just stared. It's an amazing thing the first time your baby recognizes you. I'm in love!

It's been an exhausting week and a half, but both Jacob and us have learned so much about each other during that time that I'm slowly starting to feel like a functioning human again. Quick showers are hard enough to sneak in and of course I haven't managed anything other than either leggings or pajama pants with a t-shirt of some kind so content will be a little slow and sporadic around here until we get a little more settled and we figure this family of 3 thing out. In the meantime, if you want to sneak a peek at our life you can find me here on Instagram. Expect lots of baby cuteness. You've been warned. :)


  1. YAY! Welcome baby Jacob!! He definitely was a big boy - glad the NICU visit was very short lived, I'm sure those five hours were hard though! He's a cutie, you did good mama! Take care of yourself and you bet I'll be following on Instagram for the latest! Enjoy those snuggles!

  2. He is so adorable! I have loved seeing all of your pictures! Congrats once again!!

  3. Keep the IG pictures coming! It's so fun to see your little guy! I'm glad you are starting to feel like a person again! It's a big change, for sure!

  4. Congratulations....your baby is gorgeous:)

  5. jess, congratulations! i have been wondering when i would see this announcement and i am so glad you took a minute to update us all! don't worry about getting back to blogging, just enjoy your wonderful blessing!!

  6. Welcome Jacob. What a big, happy and healthy bundle of joy with lots of pretty locks. You and your hubby enjoy him and huge congrats once again, mamma Jess.

    Love and Hugs, Ada.

  7. Hooray, Jess! I'm so excited for you and your husband!! Jacob is darling! I've been loving seeing updated photos of him on your Instagram - keep the pictures coming!!
