Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Time for a Change

Showing you what it looks like lately on the days I decide not to put on real clothes! :)

I've been going back and forth a bit, trying to decide if I want to switch things up around here and have decided to just go for it. So here you go - J's Style is now Jess Gets Dressed Sometimes! Why move away from J's Style? I've never really been a big fan of that blog title anyway. It was the best I came up with when I decided to give blogging a try back in January 2012. I've always been pretty terrified of people I know in real life finding out about my blog - something about that just makes me feel incredibly vulnerable but I'm hoping I overcome that feeling - and I just used my first initial because that fear had me questioning whether or not I even wanted to associate my name with this space. Ridiculous, I know. 

But Jess Gets Dressed Sometimes feels a little more fun, plus it's true! Sometimes I put in effort to get dressed and love to share that look and talk about it, then sometimes I really just want to throw on leggings or yoga pants and put my energy elsewhere, like snuggling up with my husband or now my baby boy. If I'm really lucky, maybe both! :) So here is where I'll  typically share my moments of having it together and probably some just for fun some life/weekend updates from time to time. Instagram is where it's at for sharing those in between moments, so if those interest you then you can find me here


  1. I like it! You look so happy in your comfy clothes with your little baby!

  2. I love the new name! I went through the same thing when Oliver was born, I wanted to keep blogging but I knew the focus would be a little different sometimes! I'll still be following you no matter if it's comfy clothes you're wearing or something more put together! I love this picture of the two of you, so sweet!

    1. You're so right Beth, and thanks for the support! I've enjoyed following each others' blogs so much...always so great to hear how life is going in addition to talking about our outfits. :)

  3. I love it!!! It's good to see you, and I'm with you on the "sometimes" part. It's real life!

    1. Thank you!! And yes, I'm all about the sometimes...not every outfit needs to require a lot of thought and effort, especially on those days I'm just curled up in the house the whole time - which is a lot of them anymore! haha

  4. haha I love it. So perfect. You look radiant with your baby. Such a wonderful picture :)

  5. Stunning photo of the two of you first of all. And I love the name change and face lift of the blog. I too changed the name of the blog after having Vivian. I think it is only natural. Thanks for keeping it real, Jess.

    P.S. hope Jacob had a great first Thanksgiving.

    Hugs, Ada.

  6. Okay, that photo of you and Jacob together is STUNNING. You two look so happy and cozy together! And I love the new name of your blog...it's quirky and perfect! I'm eager to see how your blog shifts and changes!

  7. so glad you will continue blogging during this new phase of life, jess! i really feel like i've gotten to know you since i've been following your blog and i know i would miss you so i'm glad you figured out a way to make this space more reflective of your life right now and that you still want to share with everyone!

  8. Awwww you guys look adorable...and comfy! Congrats <3 Enjoy the moments!
