Friday, December 5, 2014

Jacob: 1 Month

1 month

I thought it would be fun to do monthly updates to talk about how we're doing. I hope you enjoy it, but at the very least I think these posts will be a good way to capture the things I want to remember and will be a whole heck of a lot of fun to read back through as he gets older. My nostalgic self will love that!

Nicknames: Both my husband and I call him buddy, I also call him sweet pea and baby boy. A good friend of ours calls him The Jake. Any Cleveland Indians fans who get that reference?! :)

Height: 22 inches, up from 21 inches at birth.

Weight: 12 pounds 5 ounces. Our big boy is in the 95th percentile! 

Favorite moment: When I held him for the first time and he recognized my voice.

Favorite characteristic: He has the look he does when he's sleeping and needs to stretch where he'll raise his eyebrows while keeping his eyes closed and purse his lips. It's the cutest damn thing and I wish I was quick enough with my camera to catch it!

Things he likes: Sleeping sideways across my belly. The few times we've taken him out he also seems to really like car rides. Hoping that's still the case when we go for our first long car ride when we head back home for Christmas!

Things he dislikes: Baths. Man does he dislikes those and and screams his head off.

Things we couldn't live without: The rock n play is the only thing we could get him to sleep in when we came home. Our exhausted selves were so thankful for that thing when we first came home! The boppy...makes it so much easier to have him sleep across my belly like he loves to do and makes feeding time so much easier.


  1. One month already! That went fast (says the mom who's child just turned one year in a blink of an eye, lol). I love reading updates! He is so cute and it sounds like he's doing well so far!! I hope you're enjoying every moment! We still call Ollie "Buddy" sometimes too. It's a fun nickname.

  2. Isn't it crazy?! Fastest month of my life! I'm guessing you would tell me that feeling never goes away. :) It's definitely also been the hardest month of my life, but despite the challenging moments it's been fun!

  3. Jacob is SO cute! I love his little furrowed brow and those bright eyes!!

  4. Oh my goodness what a handsome little fella. I'm sure you are enjoying every moment.

  5. Thanks Brynn! I feel like I shouldn't wish this stage away, but I'm so excited for the next few months to see what his little personality is like. I keep wondering if that furrowed brow is any indication that he's going to be a serious little guy! :)

  6. Thanks Inge! I agree, but I'm sure a little bit biased. :)

  7. What an adorable face! When I met my baby niece for the first time, she made funny faces but would clear them from her face whenever a camera came out. Babies!

  8. awww. so sweet. what a great monthly recap of your baby! I may have to start this myself. I can see myself wanting to remember every moment...even if it's tiring. =)

  9. I hope it will be a good way to remember each month! I think it would've been fun to do something for each month of pregnancy too but I just never got around to it. :)

  10. What a sweet little peanut - love that photo of him in the hat. We call our little guy "buddy" a lot too. Along with a zillion other nicknames - I swear we didn't use his actual name for months ;) And last year for Christmas we did our first road trip (he was about 2 months old) and it went great - best age for it, actually (I'm dreading this year's). They'll sleep most of the way, and if you do any pumping at all, get a battery pack for your pump and sit in the back by him while your hubby drives - you can pump just before feeding time and then feed him that out of a bottle, and you don't have to make a stop to feed. Makes the trip go much faster :) It'll go great for you!
