Tuesday, February 3, 2015

"Capsule" Update


Here I am, a week behind on the link up to talk about how the winter capsule is going and to highlight the outfits I've been wearing most. I think Anne's kind comment on this post brought up a good point and it got me thinking...thriving is far different than surviving and surviving is what I'm managing right now. And I'm thankful for that! It's far better than the alternative of failing miserably at managing this new life of mine. :) But the fact is that every night there's a very small amount of time for baby snuggling and playing and after his bedtime I still have dinner to eat (that thankfully my husband usually cooks!), bottles to wash and prep for the next day, then my own food to prep because not only is lunches out not in my current budget, I feel bad fitting them into a work schedule that already includes about an hour and a half a day away from work tasks spent in the mothers room pumping. But I'm showing myself some grace because although it seems like my baby is growing up so incredibly fast, he's only 3 months old so this really is all still pretty new to us. 

So outfits lately haven't gotten as much attention as they used to. The outfit highlighted here was put together by grabbing a few of my most comfortable favorites - the jeans, tee, and scarf - then finished with items that only happened because of their proximity to the door when it was time to hurry up and get out the door so I could get my grocery shopping done and be home by the time Jacob woke up from his nap and was hungry. And it worked! This idea to filter your wardrobe is probably best for me in this stage of life so I'm happy this link up has encouraged me to do just that. I need easy basics that don't get in the way of baby holding and can handle some drool and spit up with easy layers that can be thrown on when we head out of the house, and this outfit is the perfect example of that. 

Finally linking up with Anne and Jacqueline...


  1. Good for you remembering to give yourself some grace! A lot of people forget that, so you're doing well already :) And it does get easier. Such a good illustration though of where a streamlined wardrobe can contribute to success/happiness in other areas of life besides just getting dressed - definitely nice to be able to have things that are so functional yet still are favorites at your fingertips so you can move on to the next thing quickly but still look cute.

  2. Jess,being so busy and still looking put-together. Such great layering. Adjusting to life with a new baby takes about 6 months at least, I think. Plus they change daily, so when you think you got it figured out, the babies grow into a different stage. Every day is a challenge and full of new lessons. It is all great and worth it though.

  3. My baby is 9 months and I am still in the surviving mode... I have found what is really helpful is to prepare my clothes before going to bed. You could start planning your outfit while doing something else (like making your lunch for tomorrow) then pull everything out, even the underwear you'll need tomorrow. I can't wait for this phase to pass, but on the other side time goes so fast, I want to enjoy all the beautiful things every phase brings.
