Friday, April 17, 2015

10 Things: Week 1

10 things week 1

A highlight of a few of the outfits put together last week out of the 10 Things challenge. So far I've stuck with it throughout the work week like I had planned and it's served its purpose by forcing me to wear the pieces in ways I likely wouldn't have considered otherwise. My favorite part about the first week participating is that it involved several unexpected (to me anyway!) color combinations I'm loving like pink + olive green, brown + black, and mint + navy.

Head on over to Sarah's blog to see how other ladies are doing with the challenge!


  1. I'm so glad you're having fun with the challenge! Thanks for sharing your link.

    ~Sarah of Sarah's Real Life

  2. Love the pink & olive combo!

  3. Ooh I love all of these looks--those boots are so cute, I love the cutouts! And I'm really digging the pale pink + animal print combo right now too (you'll see that tomorrow on my outfit is pretty similar to your middle one here!).
