Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Spring Inspirations


shirt: H&M
denim jacket: Old Navy (waaaay old)
skirt & necklace: Walmart
boots: Target

Linking up with Anne and Shea again for their spring series, talking about spring inspirations. I took a look at my Pinterest board since I have one devoted to spring/summer looks and the theme seems to be looks that include a denim jacket. I've owned my denim jacket for 12 years now and while there were some years it didn't find its way into rotation, I'm so glad I didn't get rid of it because it's once again a loved piece! 


  1. I love this Jess, it's got some of my favorite elements--a denim jacket, stripes, and coral. It all works together really well! My denim jacket is an oldie too--so glad I held on to it all these years!
    Thanks so much for linking up!!

  2. Denim jackets feature heavily on my Pinterest outfit inspiration boards too - just so much you can do with them! Love your mix with stripes and pop of coral (pretty much the one color in my neutral closet right now, so I definitely love it, ha). And smart of you to not get rid of the jacket... I had a great one for years that I finally got rid of and about a year later realized that was stupid. Luckily I found a good replacement a few years ago - it's not easy to find just the right color and fit, so don't let it go when you have it! (Which is also why I totally freaked out when mine was temporarily lost after I left it at a coffee shop last summer... my husband thought I was crazy for getting so worked up over the missing jacket, but really, that thing is irreplaceable!)

  3. Coral just says to me that spring has arrived (even if it's only 40 some degrees today)! :) I would completely have the same reaction to a lost denim jacket, and my husband would most definitely think I'm crazy too. Funny thing is that this denim jacket is actually the second one I've owned. When I bought it my freshman year of college I lost it after probably only having it a few weeks. I went right back out and bought the same exact one (this one) so that's probably why I've held onto it extra tight. :)

  4. Thanks Shea! An oldie worth hanging onto, right? Searching for a perfect replacement sounds like the last thing I'd ever be interested in doing. :)

  5. At least if you had to lose the jacket it happened while you could still buy the same one! My version is long past available by now...

  6. A denim jacket has been my go-to wardrobe piece for years now. Great look.

  7. I am still bitter about the fact that I got rid of my jean jacket in college. It is seriously such a classic piece! I should have known :( Anyway, you look so cute! Love the striped skirt with the boots!
